Few tips in the event you capsize, by BDARRT

capsizeHere are a few tips you may need to take into consideration In the Event of a Capsize

  1. Keep calm but very much alert.
  2. Stay on the upstream side of your craft.
  3. Be aware of your responsibility to assist your team mates.
  4. Follow your rescuers’ instructions.
  5. Leave your canoe only if this improves your safety. If any of the safety boats or land rescue teams is not close at hand and the water is dangerous or worse rapids follow, then swim in the appropriate direction for the nearest point of personal safety. The loss of the finest craft is not worth even the risk of personal safety.
  6. If swept into a rapid, then swim feet first on your back. Keep your head clear of the water for good visibility

BDARRT Safety boats will be around and about, don’t hesitate or be too shy to ask for assistance. We are there to help in any way we can.

Phone: (+501) 621-1955